Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lemon Baking Soda Facial Cleanse

     I wanted to talk to you about a popular trend in facial cleansing that I have been hearing a lot of mixed reviews about lately. The Lemon Baking Soda Facial Cleanse can be an indispensable part of your beauty regimen but its is crucial that you get the ingredients and the mixture perfect, or the results can range from bad to disastrous. When done properly this cleanse will leave you with skin that looks and feels exfoliated, fresh with tighter pores and even get rid of and prevent stubborn pimples. However, if you get this wrong, you could run the risk of severe skin irritation and all the unpleasantness that comes with that. You're probably asking yourself, is this worth it? I mean the name alone sound pretty intense, right? Well the good news is that if you follow my instructions carefully, the risk of getting it wrong is practically nonexistent and the benefits are definitely worth it.

The ingredients for the Cleanse are:

  • 2 drops of 100% Pharmaceutical Grade Tea Tree Oil
  • Juice of ½ a lemon
  • 2 Tbsp of Baking SODA ( NOT POWDER!!)
  • 0-3 Tbsp of Water depending on skin sensitivity

     I recommend you do the cleanse right before bed, that way you wont get any sunlight on your skin during or immediately after the application and your skin will have time to even out after the cleanse works its magic. Mix all your ingredients in a nonreactive bowl , not metallic or plastic, and again, make sure you don't use Baking Powder since it will make the mix far too acidic. Personally, I don't add any water to the mix because I like to really feel it working, but my friend with sensitive skin prefers to water it down using 2 Tbsp of water. 

     Once mixed, spread it evenly all over your face, making sure you don't get any too close to your eyes and let it work its magic for 6-10 minutes. The mixture will harden and dry on your face, so make sure you use the palms of your hands along with cold water to exfoliate and rinse your face thoroughly. You'll see and feel the difference immediately but you'll have to resist the urge to show it off to the world and get your beauty sleep, let your skin tone even out. 

     The next morning use your favorite moisturizer and apply everywhere you applied the cleanse to the night before. Remember: ALWAYS, ALWAYS moisturize after exfoliating. Now you're ready to show off your straight from the spa face; Go ahead, you deserve it!